Dear MBH Boating Community,Hope this finds you and your family well! The official summer boating season will be here before we know it and as a result, I am updating you on some important information regarding access to MacCallum’s Boathouse buildings, property and staff.

  • Retail Sales: Beginning Monday, June 15, 2020 at 9:00am our retail facility will be OPEN with restrictions for public and staff safety. PARK YOUR VEHICLE CURBSIDE, DO NOT DRIVE ON MBH PROPERTY. We will continue to have the curbside entry blocked, however you can access the main entrance to our building by calling 603-736-4750 for guidance. Upon entry, it is a requirement to sanitize your hands and wear a mask. We have a supply of masks if you do not have one, just ask. We are allowing two clients in store at the same time and recommend calling ahead for a viewing appointment.
  • Storage Customers: We have launched over 350 boats so far this spring, and I am very proud of what our team has accomplished over the last several weeks during some very challenging times. For those of you that have NOT picked up your storage boat yet: your boat will be ready and A. on your trailer in our drop/PU lot on Lake Road (where is was left last fall) B. in the water awaiting your pick-up at our docks on Northwood Lake C. meeting you at an appointed time at your local boat ramp. Prior to getting your boat, your commissioning charges will be e-mailed to you, along with a description of what services were completed prior to launch. This invoice will be paid via CC with a call to 603-736-4750 prior to picking up or receiving your boat.
  • Service: Temporarily, we are not receiving boats from the “field” for service work, simply preparing boats that have been in our storage facility or here as inventory for sale. Please note that we will not be filling any boats with fuel prior to you receiving them. Additionally, due to current state restrictions, we are not offering any detailing services or subcontractor services of any type that will require face to face interaction.
  • Gas: Our fuel docks are open with your masks required. 
  • Launching: Our private boat ramp is open for MBH BOAT OWNERS ONLY (your name in our system) with your masks required during our operating hours. Cost is $20.00 per use. Please know that Northwood Lake has free launching capabilities for all boaters which are open 24/7 at the State of New Hampshire Boat Launch approximately 2 miles east of the Boathouse (across from Heritage Corner Market).
  • Parts: We highly recommend using our website for parts ordering We have limited abilities to fulfill parts orders at the moment and will be working towards improving this service as restrictions ease. Our new accessory and water sports shop is OPEN for self-shopping.
  • Boat Registrations: We DO have the ability to register your boat here at our dealership with proper documentation. Park curbside, call 603-736-4750 (as we are allowing only 2 people in the dealership space at a time) upon entry, sanitize your hands and wear your masks. We have a supply of masks, if you don’t have one just ask.
  • Safety: We are continuing to take great precautions to ensure our team members remain safe while they are performing their duties here on Boathouse property. We are meeting regularly to confirm our daily health, quarantining at home while not at work, keeping appropriate distances from each other, washing hands often and sanitizing all commonly used workspaces. Again… temporarily, we are not receiving boats from the “field” for service work, simply preparing boats that have been in our storage facility or here as inventory for sale.

Looking forward to your visit… we all have missed seeing you!

Better days on the way!

Thank you for your Business & Support,

The MacCallum’s Boathouse Crew